How To Earn Money From Fiverr | Fiverr Se Paise Kaise Kamaye | Part Time Job || Freelance

How To Earn Money From Fiverr

I've been working on Fiverr for about seven months now and I've gotten dozens and dozens of orders to make your first 500 dollars in flyover it's not too hard you just got to follow the steps that I share so here's how you make money on Fiverr hello labas but Eve yet mmm it's gluten-free pretty good there does make your mouth a little dry so you're here because you want to learn how to make money on Fiverr specifically how to make your first 500 on Fiverr well you've come to the right place first let me introduce myself my name is Brandon if you have never seen my channel before you've not seen it I make videos relating to how to make money and also

fitness so if that's an interest of yours definitely subscribe to the channel now I've made a few videos of me working on Fiverr in the past and those two videos I basically shared the whole process of making money on Fiverr how I fulfilled my orders what kind of orders I got and if that's of interest to you definitely check it out after this video I'm gonna link it down in the description or also in the comments making your first five hundred dollars on Fiverr it's difficult but don't worry

it is definitely doable I'm gonna share a bunch of different tips and tricks as to how you can get your first 500 off of Fiverr so before you even make your fiver account you have to establish one thing you have to figure out what kind of skills and talents that you have that you can sell on Fiverr I can guarantee that every single person watching this right now has at least one skill that they're better at doing than the majority of people surrounding them maybe you're really good at singing and you could sing songs for people on

Fiverr maybe you're really good at editing and you can make cool videos or Photoshop cool pictures maybe your chest skills are above average or maybe you're really good at drinking water like me I didn't do this but you can literally make a gig of like hey tell me how much water you want me to drink on video and

I'll drink it and send it to you like people will pay for that kind of stuff so figure out that 1 2 3 4 or 5 things that you think you're really good at and make those into gigs now with that said try your best to maximize the amount of gigs you can create I would recommend making 6 or 7 gigs and then leaving a few slots open to make extra gigs with now here's why you will notice

some of your gigs are gonna get a lot of clicks a lot of views and even some orders now give it a few months and see how your gigs perform if you have a gig that you see is getting you a bunch of orders you're getting a bunch of messages for make a duplicate gig of that here's what I mean I had a gig where I created customise calisthenics workout routines for people that gig was my bestseller and I was getting several orders for it and it was also ranking under the keyword workout since it was so successful I created a duplicate gig of that but I renamed it I changed the original title from customized calisthenics workout routine to home workout routine here's why I do

Fiverr Se Paise Kaise Kamaye 

this because the gig is successful that means I'm doing some things right with it whether that be the quality of my work or the pictures that I used on the gig or the video that I made for it something is going right with it and so basically the whole idea of duplicating your gigs is to take over a niche on Fiverr in my case it's the fitness niche so when people use different keywords like calisthenics workout routine or at-home workout then I will have my gigs rank 2 under those keywords therefore I

get several more orders coming to me because I have several gigs ranked in the fitness niche I hope that made sense because it's a little more of an advanced technique and it's not really something you should do as a beginner but when the orders do start rolling in it's something you want to start implementing so you can maximize the amount of money you make let's move on tip number 3 make a professional video for each gig this is super important you want to have a professional-looking video on your gig so that when people click on it they kind of get to know you

they get to see what you're like who you are even Fiverr themselves recommend that you put a video in every single gig it is your job in the video to tell people why they should buy from you and why they will be safe buying from you a lot of people are careful with their money and they're not just gonna throw

it on some random gig they want to make sure they're gonna get their money's worth as a beginner on Fiverr I actually tested this on accident I only created one super professional video for one of my gigs which was my workout routine gig and for the rest of the gigs I didn't create any videos for it and guess which gig was my bestseller the one with the video in the very first few weeks I got like 5 orders on my workout routine and

then zero on the rest so having a video can be very powerful if you frame it the right way now how do you make a proper good gig video let's get into my tip number four which will help explain this but before

I explain if you are learning something of value from this video please leave a like on it it really helps for the YouTube algorithm I want to help as many people as possible on Fiverr so liking is video will help push the video out to those people thank you very much let's continue tip number four model after your competition simply take a look at the top performing gigs in your niche of gigs look at the top performing gigs in the niche of your gigs okay you understand right so let's say again my

workoutgetting I'm gonna go take a look at the top performing workout gigs and see what they're doing that I am NOT doing that I should be doing to make my gigs more successful and that includes looking at their video look how they structure their video try your best to model their video because there's a reason it's working definitely don't copy it word-for-word but make it pretty much the same style as they have it take

a look at their description look at what keywords they use in their description because if their gig is successful it's probably because it's being ranked under several different search engine keywords so based off of their description try to figure out what the best keywords are in your niche now take a look at all the sample work on the gig is that something

you are able to recreate if not then that means you have more room for growth and you need to work on that skill if you can that's great then you'll probably be successful just like them now let's also talk about how you can price your gigs as a beginner it can be very hard to decide how you want to price each and every package so one way is again modeling after your competition seeing what their pricing it at and of course pricing it lower than they are

Part Time Job

however you shouldn't price your gig exactly the same as your competitor for one you're a beginner and you don't have the credibility that they have so you definitely have to price your gigs much lower than they have it

I'd recommend starting at the bare minimum just $5 and then working your way up when you get more credibility once you get about 15 to 20 orders on a gig then you can look into raising your prices tip number five fully setup your profile people are much more inclined to buy from someone with a professional headshot as a profile picture also put what degrees you have if you have any degrees definitely take the English test I feel like that helps boost your gig i the fibre algorithm especially if English is not your native language or you don't look like an

English speaker then taking that English test and having a high score will definitely help you a lot make sure you fill out your profile tags as well in my case I had gigs related to skits video editing Photoshop working

out social media marketing so I had tags relating to those niches once again this is gonna help boost your gigs in the Fieger Fieger Fiverr algorithm okay now the sixth tip do not worry about the money in the beginning stages of working on Fiverr that is the worst thing you can do focus on building credibility not making money instead of putting five dollars of effort into that five dollar order you got you want to put a hundred dollars worth of effort into that five dollar order you want to go above and beyond for your very first few orders this is gonna do a few things for you one you're gonna get a five star review  you're gonna potentially get a tip and
get paid more from the person and three

after the person leaves a review a sample of your work is gonna be poste on your gig and if you have a bunch of very high quality samples you're goin to have a higher chance of getting more orders this once again ties back into having a very professional-looking gig that models after your competition and having a bunch of high quality samples of your work on your gig is just gonna add on to them tip number seven when you get messages respond as fast as possible having a fast response time is a very good sign

the fiber algorithm loves when you have a fast response time so they're going to recommend your gig to more people if you reply fast to help with this download the fiber app so then you get notifications every single time you get a message and then you can right away just hop on the app and message the person back now the very last tip and

the most important one is be patient if you watch the other two videos that I made of me showing the process of how I got orders on Fiverr it took a while before I finally started getting orders consistently and even now I still get very inconsistent orders one month I'll get five orders and then the other month

Alban maybe he like one or two so when it comes to growing your business on Fiverr you have to be very very patient there's a lot of different factors that goes into whether or not you're going to get orders on Fiverr no matter what kind of gig you have you're going to get orders so long as you implement and maximize each and every single tip that I just shared in this video with that said if you learn something new from this video definitely leave a like on it it's gonna help push it out to other people just like you who need some advice who need tips on how to grow their business on Fiverr and also if you

want to learn more about making money online definitely subscribe to my channel I share a lot of information and tips as to how you can do that and also if you want to be more hydrated and healthy I drink a lot of water on the channel I'll probably inspire you to drink some more water too oh man anyways that's the end of this video thank you so much for watching I'm gonna go drink some more water and need some more gluten-free pretzels have a great rest of your day and or night and or morning I don't know peace
